How Can You Find Out If Someone Is Gambling

How Can You Find Out If Someone Is Gambling Rating: 8,9/10 1832 votes
  1. SIGN 1: Time away. If I know the person is gambling, the amount of time spent gambling or engaged in gambling activities increases. The gambler can be gone for long unaccounted for periods of time. When the gambler in my life gambled, he often gambled while he was at work.
  2. How old must you be to get a gaming license or work in a casino? By law, a person must be 21 years of age to hold a Support or Key employee license. Persons under 21, however, can hold positions in a casino that do not require a gaming license. Is there a limit to how much casinos can pay out in jackpots?
  1. How To Find Out If Someone Is Gambling Online
  2. How Do You Know If Someone Is Gambling
  3. How To Know If Someone Is Gambling Addiction
  4. How Can You Find Out If Someone Is Gambling Without

A Journey of Hope

Understand the addiction. The first thing you can do to help a loved one who is addicted to gambling is to learn all you can about the addiction. Find a support group that can help you cope with the stress that comes from having a loved one who is addicted to gambling. The first thing to do if you think your partner is a problem gambler is to seek help. GamCare has a helpline (0808 8020 133) that’s open seven days a week. They can provide you with advice on what your next steps could be. They can also help you think about whether your partner has a problem — you don’t need to be certain to give them a call. How can you tell if someone has a gambling disorder? The American Psychiatric Association has developed guidelines and says that a person requires at least four of the following issues to take place during the past year: A person feels the need to gamble with an increasing amount of money in order to achieve the desired excitement.

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What to Expect

When you call, a certified gambling addiction counselor will listen, educate, answer questions, and refer you to a free and confidential treatment services.

There are approximately 46 providers throughout the state of Oregon providing FREE, state-funded, confidential gambling treatment to Oregon residents and their families or friends. All counselors are trained and certified in gambling addiction.

Select an option to proceed
Are your friends and family concerned with your gambling?
Gamble to get money to meet financial obligations?
Feel you must return as soon as possible and win back losses?
Have a strong urge to win even more after winning?
Use income or savings to gamble while letting bills go unpaid?
Feel irritated or restless when not able to gamble?
Exceed your limits of time and money when gambling?
Have you broken the law or considered breaking the law to finance gambling?
Find it difficult to control, stop or cut down on gambling and feel irritable when trying to do so?
Celebrate good fortune with a few hours of gambling?
  • Question 1 out of 20

You are Low Risk

Your score places you in the 'Low-Risk Gambler' category.

A person in this score range experienced one to two minor problems related to their gambling.

If you answered “yes” to seven or more of these questions, it could be indicative of a serious gambling problem.

You can always call the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline and speak to a certified gambling addiction counselor. All information shared is confidential and this service is FREE to Oregon residents. Call 1-877-695-4648 (MY-LIMIT), text 503-713-6000, or click the buttons below to contact us online through Live Chat, IM or Email.

You are Medium Risk

Your score places you in the 'Medium-Risk Gambler' category

A person in this score range indicates a level of risk that should be further explored.

You can always call the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline and speak to a certified gambling addiction counselor. All information shared is confidential and this service is FREE to Oregon residents. Call 1-877-695-4648 (MY-LIMIT), text 503-713-6000, or click the buttons below to contact us online through Live Chat, IM or Email.

You are High Risk

A person in this score range indicates a problem with gambling. Contact the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline and speak to a certified gambling addiction counselor to further examine your gambling behavior and its consequences. All information shared is confidential and this service is FREE to Oregon residents. Call 1-877-695-4648 (MY-LIMIT), text 503-713-6000, or click the buttons below to contact us online through Live Chat, IM or Email.

REMINDER: Self-assessment can help you figure out if there is a issue with gambling, but only a professional can diagnose if it is a gambling problem, a different problem, or both.

Contact Us

Myth or Fact?

'You have to gamble every day to be a problem gambler.'

Myth or fact?

Myth. A problem gambler may gamble frequently or infrequently. If a person’s gambling is causing psychological, financial, emotional, marital, legal, or other difficulties for themselves and the people around them, then they have a gambling problem.
'Most problem gamblers have a favorite form of gambling that causes them problems.'

Myth or fact?

Fact. Most problem gamblers don't gamble at any opportunity of any form. Most have a favorite game that causes them problems. Some gamblers also engage in secondary forms of gambling, but these are not usually as problematic.
'Problem gambling is not really a problem if the gambler can afford it.'

Myth or fact?

Myth. Problems caused by excessive gambling are not just financial. If a person’s gambling is interfering with their ability to act in accordance with their values, then there is a problem. For example, too much time spent on gambling means less time to spend with family, friends, and others. It can lead to relationship breakdown and loss of important friendships.
'Even people with a long history of responsible behavior are vulnerable to developing a gambling problem. '

Myth or fact?

Fact. Many problem gamblers hold, or have held, responsible community positions. When a person is having a problem gambling episode, that person is unable to control their gambling and in this compromised state their actions look like irresponsible behavior.
'Children are not affected by problem gambling.'

Myth or fact?

Myth. Surveys show that about 10% to 15% of American and Canadian youth have experienced gambling-related problems, and 1% to 6% of these individuals may satisfy diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling. Additionally, children of problem gamblers have been shown to be at a higher risk of developing health-threatening behaviors. This includes alcohol and drug use, problem gambling, eating disorders, depression and suicide.
'Problem gamblers can be skilled in finding ways to rationalize their gambling.'

Myth or fact?

Fact. Blaming others is one way to avoid taking responsibility for actions, including actions needed to overcome the gambling problem. Partners of problem gamblers are not responsible for problem gambler's actions.
'Financial problems are the main reason that problem gambler’s relationships break down.'
How to know if someone is gambling addiction

Myth or fact?

Myth. It is true that money problems play an important part in ending relationships. However, many non-gambling partners say that the lies and lack of trust is the biggest cause.
Parents of problem gamblers are not to blame for their children's behavior.

Myth or fact?

Fact. Many parents of problem gamblers feel hurt and guilty about their son’s or daughter’s gambling behavior, but they are not to blame.
'If a problem gambler builds up a debt, the important thing to do is to help them get out of the financial problem as soon as possible.'

Myth or fact?

Myth. Quick fix solutions are often attractive to everyone involved and may appear to be the right thing to do. However, “bailing” the gambler out of debt may actually make matters worse by enabling gambling problems to continue.

Myth or fact?

Fact. Problem gambling is very easy to hide as it has few recognizable symptoms, unlike alcohol and drug use. Many problem gamblers themselves do not recognize they have a gambling problem. Problem gamblers often engage in self-denial.

Interested in learning more?
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About Us

The Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline was established in 2001 and receives about 1000 calls each year. Trained professional staff members are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to listen, educate, answer questions, and refer people to free confidential treatment services.

If you (or someone you know) are gambling too much, you can call the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline and speak to a certified gambling counselor. All information shared is confidential and this service is FREE to Oregon residents.

Call the Helpline 1-877-695-4648 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and speak with someone who can get you to the help you may need. Or text 503-713-6000 between the hours of 8am and 9pm M-F.

You are not alone. There is help, there is hope, and there is a way to get your life back on track.

Gambling, for some people, is a leisure activity that offers a night out on the town enjoying time with friends and family, with a distant possibility of winning money. For other people, the stakes are higher. After all, gambling is a $40 billion dollar industry in the United States. In Las Vegas alone—the unofficial gambling capital of the world—the casinos bring in over 10 billion dollars from people placing bets. Though many of those people only gamble once in awhile, there are people who make gambling the center of their universe. In other words, they are addicted to gambling.

The temptations to gamble are everywhere and you don’t need to be in a casino to try your luck. Every state in America, with the exception of Utah and Hawaii, offer some type of legalized gambling—from old-school slot machines to sports-betting apps and everything in between. The accessibility to gambling has only amplified with the Internet. Based on various surveys in recent years, it is estimated that two million people in the US are addicted to gambling. But that figure has the potential to increase at anytime, because those same surveys revealed as many as 20 million people noting that their gambling habit had begun to interfere with their work and social life. That type of behavior falls into the category of “compulsive gambling,” which is the stage before gambling addiction.

What is Compulsive Gambling?

“The shortest version is that compulsive gambling is, as its name implies, a compulsion,” says Lance Dodes, MD, author of THE HEART OF ADDICTION: A New Approach to Understanding and Managing Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors. “Compulsive gambling leads to an addiction, which is a psychological symptom that is well-understood and treatable with psychotherapy oriented toward that understanding. It is not a biological, genetic or moral issue, and it is not fundamentally different from other compulsive behaviors or addictions.”

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Worried you or a loved one may be suffering from a gambling addiction?

Take our 2-minute gambling addiction quiz to see if you may benefit from further diagnosis and treatment.

Usually, people start out gambling for fun, and then they lose money they didn’t mean to, and they end up chasing that loss until all their money is gone. And in many cases, people are gambling because they have faced emotional and financial losses and they are trying to console themselves.

There is a misconception among many people that problem gambling, another term for gambling addiction, is not a big deal. “Most people don’t realize that problem gambling is a real disorder, just like alcohol or drug addiction,” says Shelia Moran, director of communications and marketing at First Choice Services, a nonprofit agency in West Virginia dedicated to mental health issues and problems. “They think it’s just a bad habit that can be easily ended. The good news is that we find most people who get treatment are able to successfully stop gambling.”

Gambling and Co-Existing Mental Health Conditions

Sadly, it is estimated that over 80% of people who suffer from some type of gambling addiction never seek treatment, no matter how bad their problem is. Other statistics reveal that while there are people who do seek treatment for their gambling addiction, over 70% end up returning to the world of betting. People with this type of disorder are more likely to suffer from other types of mental health and substance abuse issues. Many gamblers also have an alcohol disorder or addiction, and over half were nicotine dependent.

How To Find Out If Someone Is Gambling Online

The emotional toll it takes on people is devastating, and in many cases a gambling addiction can also bring bouts of depression, and in extreme situations may lead to suicidal thoughts or tendencies. People with a gambling addiction are also prone to anxiety, high stress and extreme sadness. When a gambler loses everything, their life will suddenly become hopeless and they fear what the future might bring.

Gambling Addiction Symptoms and Signs

As with other addictions, there are warning signs to look out for. These include:

  • Keeping gambling habits a secret
  • Having trouble controlling their gambling habit
  • Continuing to be involved with a gambling habit when they cannot financially afford to do so.
  • Resorting to illegal activities to pay for their gambling habit

How Do You Know If Someone Is Gambling

Physical symptoms of excessive gambling include problems sleeping, weight gain or loss, dark circles under the eyes and extreme headaches.

How can you tell if someone has a gambling disorder? The American Psychiatric Association has developed guidelines and says that a person requires at least four of the following issues to take place during the past year:

  1. A person feels the need to gamble with an increasing amount of money in order to achieve the desired excitement.
  2. A person becomes angry, restless or irritable when someone tells them to cut back on their gambling, or to stop it altogether.
  3. A person will have unsuccessfully tried to cut back or stop gambling on their own.
  4. A person has frequent thoughts about gambling, including reliving past gambling adventures, planning their next gambling outing, and thinking of ways to get money to gamble with.
  5. A person will often gamble when they are feeling distressed.
  6. After a person loses money, they return to try and “get even” (referred to as “chasing” one’s losses)
  7. A person will not hesitate to lie to hide their gambling activity.
  8. A person will jeopardize or lose a significant relationship, job or educational/career opportunity because of gambling.
  9. A person will begin relying on others to help with money problems caused by their gambling habits.

Treatment Options for Gambling Addicts


How To Know If Someone Is Gambling Addiction

If you suspect that someone in your life is addicted to gambling or a compulsive gambler, you should know that there is help. Here are treatment options to consider:

How Can You Find Out If Someone Is Gambling Without

  • “Behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy are recommended for compulsive gamblers,” says Katie Hurley, LCSW. “Behavioral therapy uses systematic exposure to the behavior to teach skills to reduce the urges, while cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on identifying unhealthy and irrational thoughts and replacing them with positive/adaptive ones. Family therapy is another option,” Hurley explains.
  • Apps can help instill healthy habits and encourage consideration of events and emotions that lead to compulsive behaviors. Addiction AVERT app can help curb cravings. BreakFree can help people who use their smartphones to gamble spend less time on their phone.
  • Adaptive coping strategies like exercise, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness, and meditation are all positive options. There are even meditation apps that can help anyone who doesn’t know where to start.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, as of 2016, there are no FDA-approved medications for the treatment of gambling disorder. There is, however, emerging scientific research that has shown that medications can be effective in reducing the intensity of urges and cravings for gambling.

Finally, Gamblers Anonymous has been beneficial in the lives of people who have an addiction; however, they must first admit they have a problem, which is often times the most difficult thing to do. If someone is unable to find an accessible chapter of Gamblers Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous addresses many of the same behaviors.

Just as anyone can become addicted to gambling, anyone can stop.

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